För att nyansera DN lite så kan vi börja med att konstatera att vi inte ska få veta något om det lilla PM som läckt ut angående CIA:s inblandning i de senaste dagarnas händelser. En underättelseagent från den amerikanska ambassaden vid namn Michael Steele skall ha föreslagit att, med hjälp av en fond på 8miljoner dollar, följande åtgärder genomfördes för att sabotera folkomröstningen i Venezuela den 2a december:
* Promoting street demonstrations and violent protests
* Creating a climate of ungovernability
* Provoking a general uprising
* Working through the US military attaché at the embassy to coordinate with ex-military officers and former coup plotters against Chavez.
Even more darkly, the letter calls for initiating "military actions" to support opposition mobilizations and strategic building occupations, involving US military bases in neighboring Curacao and Colombia to provide support, and even taking control of parts of Venezuela in the days after the referendum, while encouraging a "military rebellion" inside the Venezuelan National Guard.
Fler strategier som nämnts i PM:et och som vi ser resultatet av i våra medier inkluderar:
The key and most dangerous threats to democracy raised by the Embassy memo point to their success in mobilizing the private university students (backed by top administrators) to attack key government buildings including the Presidential Palace, Supreme Court and the National Electoral Council.
För att inte tala om denna fullkomligt ironiska iaktagelse, vilket ytterligare visar på våra liberala mediers hyckleri:
The Embassy is especially full of praise for the ex-Maoist 'Red Flag' group for its violent street fighting activity. Ironically, small Trotskyist sects and their trade unionists join the ex-Maoists in opposing the constitutional amendments. The Embassy, while discarding their 'Marxist rhetoric', perceives their opposition as fitting in with their overall strategy.
CIA dokumentet har rapporterats om av b la Associated Press, men som Dave Lindorff skriver: "but the Times and other major US news organizations have not mentioned it. Instead, the Times today ran a column by Roger Cohen, which compares Chavez to the fascists of 1930s Europe, and which calls for defeat of the referendum. (Are Cohen and the Times part of the CIA's propaganda campaign?)" Vi kan tillägga att ingen svensk media rapporterat om detta heller.
De privata medierna i Venezuela, dvs ca 90-95% av alla medier, har ägnat sig åt bla en kampanj där man i Venezuelas största dagstidning hävdade att:
"If you are a Mother, YOU LOSE! Because you will lose your house, your family and your children (children will belong to the state)."
Enligt DN är uppmaningen att rösta "SI!" propaganda, men självklart inte oppositionens "informationskampanj". Vidare:
The illegal ad, which was caught and suspended by the Venezuelan National Electoral Council (CNE) after a few days in the press, has received relatively high-profile attention in the Venezuelan press, and even Chavez joked about it last Friday on the nightly pro-Chavez talk show, La Hojilla. What appears to have gone completely ignored, however, is the fact that the ad itself was placed by an organization which has at its core, dozens of subsidiaries of the largest US corporations working in Venezuela.
Alla kopplingar till USAs intressen i Sydamerika och framför allt Venezuela eller det faktum att man stödde kuppen 2002 förtigs eller existerar inte i mainstreamen.
Man kan också fylla på DNs "Så vill Chávez ändra konstitutionen" med med följande:
The reason for the popular majority is found in a few of the key amendments: One article expedites land expropriation facilitating re-distribution to the landless and small producers. Chavez has already settled over 150,000 landless workers on 2 million acres of land. Another amendment provides universal social security coverage for the entire informal sector (street sellers, domestic workers, self-employed) amounting to 40 per cent of the labor force. Organized and unorganized workers' workweek will be reduced from 40 to 36 hours a week (Monday to Friday noon) with no reduction in pay. Open admission and universal free higher education will open greater educational opportunities for lower class students. Amendments will allow the government to by-pass current bureaucratic blockage of the socialization of strategic industries, thus creating greater employment and lower utility costs. Most important, an amendment will increase the power and budget of neighborhood councils to legislate and invest in their communities.
Majoriteten av organiserade arbetare, bönder och mindre bemedlade människor stödjer de konstitutionella förändringarna. Vilket vi självklart inte ska få veta. Vi ska endast ta del av den ena sidan av detta mynt. Vi ska få veta att detta är antidemokratiskt. De som är för Chávez och dennes politik har ingen representation i västs mainstream över huvud taget. Alla demonstrationer mot och alla som är negativa mot Chávez har dock en stadig plattform i samtliga våra medier. Varenda demonstration mot Chávez skall visas och därmed bekräfta att det finns ett utbrett motstånd mot honom. Kan någon visa mig ett enda inslag i västerländsk media från Venezuela som visade demonstrationerna för den massrörelse som byggts upp under flera år till stöd för Chávez och dennes parti, vilken är anledningen till att han omvalts 3 gånger!?
Så för nyansens skull, DN och all annan liberal media, är även detta vad ett SI! skulle kunna komma att betyda den 2a december:
The outcome of the Referendum of December 2 is a major historical event first and foremost for Venezuela but also for the rest of the Americas. A positive vote (Vota 'Sí') will provide the legal framework for the democratization of the political system, the socialization of strategic economic sectors, empower the poor and provide the basis for a self-managed factory system. A negative vote (or a successful US-backed civil-military uprising) would reverse the most promising living experience of popular self-rule, of advanced social welfare and democratically based socialism. A reversal, especially a military dictated outcome, would lead to a blood bath, such as we have not seen since the days of the Indonesian Generals' Coup of 1966, which killed over a million workers and peasants or the Argentine Coup of 1976 in which over 30,000 Argentines were murdered by the US- backed Generals.
A decisive vote for 'Sí' will not end US military and political destabilization campaigns but it will certainly undermine and demoralize their collaborators. On December 2, 2007 the Venezuelans have a rendezvous with history.
Infon hämtad från följande artiklar:
News Not Fit to Print US Coup Planned for Venezuela?
Counterattack as Fateful Referendum Looms CIA Venezuela Destabilization Memo Surfaces
U.S. Companies Behind Anti-Reform Propaganda in Venezuela
Jag rekomenderar även starkt att man läser även Jorge Capelán: Den svarta internatonalens offensiv i Latinamerika.
Bloggar om: Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, CIA,