tisdag 26 maj 2009

Amerikanska soldaters vittnesmål från Irak

Se Democracynow:s specialavsnitt: Winter Soldier on the Hill: War Vets Testify Before Congress.

These are just a few of the disturbing and unacceptable stories I could share with you from my time in Iraq. Others would include continually dehumanizing Iraqis by referring to them as “hajis” or “sand niggers.” Even the racist and sexist nature that exists within the military itself, which was obviously—overtly obvious on a daily basis. I could also tell story upon story of families being destroyed as a result of an occupation that unfortunately should have never taken place.

At the first Winter Soldier investigation in 1971, one of the Vietnam veterans held up a similar photograph and said, “Don’t ever let your government do this to you. Don’t ever let your government put you in a position where this attitude towards death and this disregard for human life is acceptable or common.” And yet, we are still doing this to service members every day, as long as the occupation continues.

Ett tidigare inlägg med soldaters vittnesmål från Irak:

"Anytime we did have embedded reporters with us our actions would change drastically

...we never acted the same, we where allways on key with everything, did everything by the books..."

Det vi saknar nu är Irakiernas vittnesmål inför Kongressen.

Bloggar: Motbilder, Gaza Peace n' Freedom.

Läs även andra bloggar om: , , , , , , .

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