Walls of Shame är en programserie på Al-Jazeera om de murar som byggs mellan människor runt om i världen. Ett avsnitt behandlar Israels mur och stängsel på västbanken. Del 1 av 2 om Västbanken.
"Essentially the problem is that Zionism has claimed this country, from the mediterranian to the jordan river exclusively for the jews. 'There is no other people here for the Isreali jews, there is no palestinians, there is no other collectivity with rights to this country. This is our country, exclusively, period.'"
Jeff Halper från organisationen Israel Commettee Against House Demolitions, som blir intervjuad i filmen.
Del 2 av 2 om Västbanken.
"We are building a ghetto for ourselves. You know what a ghetto is? The nazis put us under a ghetto in Warzaw. They build a fence around us and ...what? What are we doing? We are fencing ourselves! We are puting ourseleves in a ghetto. We shouldn't live like that."
Eliezer Cohen som suttit i Knesset, som också uttalar sig i filmen.
Bloggar om: Israel, apartheid, muren, sionism,
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