söndag 25 maj 2008

Vänstern växer i styrka i Tyskland

Die Linke gör tydligen så stora framstötar i Tyskland just nu att Reuters skriver en längre artikel om dem.

With support of 12 to 15 percent in national polls, the Left has emerged as Germany's third largest party, behind Merkel's Christian Democrats (CDU) and the struggling SPD. The next federal election will be in 2009.


In its party program it advocated a 50-billion euro growth program it said would create 1 million jobs, a nationwide minimum wage of 10 euros an hour, a ban on layoffs at profitable firms and rises in property, corporate and inheritance taxes.

Appealing to the party's strong pacifist wing, Lafontaine railed against NATO, calling it a U.S.-led military machine that violates human rights around the world.

In a nod to recent turbulence in financial markets, he unveiled a 12-point action plan to counter what he called the "perversity" of market-driven capitalism, including a ban on hedge funds and stock options.

Grattis till framgångarna, hoppas de smittar av sig till Sverige inför 2010.

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