måndag 26 maj 2008

Hizbollah stödjer motståndet mot den amerikanska ockupationen i Irak

Hizbollahs Hassan Nasrallah har hållit ett tal där han sa att Hizbollah stödjer motståndet mot den amerikanska ockupationen i Irak.

It is the first time Nasrallah has issued a challenge to the Iraqi government to take a stand against the US military presence in Iraq.

"The Americans allowed the elections and the formation of parliament and a government so that they get an Iraqi legitimisation of the occupation," he said, referring to a reported Iraqi-American agreement that would allow the US to have a permanent presence in Iraq.

The speech by Nasrallah, aired over a video link to supporters, was part of celebrations to mark eight years since Israeli forces withdrew from southern Lebanon.

Nasrallah intygade även att Hizbollah inte var intresserade av att ta över makten eller underminera de politiska institutionerna i Libanon.
"I am speaking as Hezbollah - we dont power or authority, we don't to rule Lebanon, we do not want to impose our thought on the Lebanese," he said.

"They call us the party of wilayat al-faqih," he said, refering to accusations that Hezbollah wants to impose an Iranian-style regime in Lebanon.

"The Lebanon wilayat al-faqih means the Lebanon of diveristy and pluralism ... we shoud preserve it as such."

Och Talibanerna lovar att fortsätta driva ut ockupationsmakterna ur Afghanistan. De sträckte samtidigt ut en hand åt alla de rörelser som var motståndare till ockupationen. Den politiske oppositionsledaren Burhanuddin Rabbani, tidigare i Muhjahedin som var med och drev ut ryssarna ur Afghanistan på 80-talet, menar att Talibanerna visat seriös vilja till politisk dialog. Känns onödigt att spekulera i deras vilja att göra det, poängen är att motståndet mot USA:s ockupationer växer och nya allianser mot ockupanten tar form.
But many of the factions that helped topple the Taliban now feel sidelined and some have privately shown dissatisfaction with the presence of foreign troops in Afghanistan.

More than 12,000 people have been killed by violence in Afghanistan in the past two years, the bloodiest period since the overthrow of the Taliban government.

Och högmodet och hybrisen hos ockupanterna fortsätter. Israel vägrar fortfarande att ge tillbaka Golanhöjderna till Syrien. Man anser sig nämnligen ha rätt att diktera med vilka Syrien får ha kontakter med.
Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, setting terms for a deal with Syria, said on Thursday that Damascus needed to distance itself from "problematic ties" with Iran. Syria, she said, must also stop "supporting terror -- Hezbollah, Hamas", two groups backed by Iran.

Israel borde kanske sluta stödja statsterror, militär expansion och etnisk rensning.

Jimmy Carter har tydligen "avslöjat", eller bekräftat att Israel har ca 150 kärnvapen nyligen.
"The U.S. has more more than 12,000 nuclear weapons, the Soviet Union (Russia) has about the same, Great Britain and France have several hundred, and Israel has 150 or more. We have a phalanx of enormous weaponry ... not only of enormous weaponry but of rockets to deliver those missiles on a pinpoint accuracy target," he said, according to a transcript of his remarks. Carter also condemned Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip as "one of the greatest human rights crimes now existing on Earth,"


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